Thursday, January 15, 2009

So. I'm on day 11 on Number 11, which was go vegetarian for 21 days. And I think I would kill for a cheeseburger. Well. Maybe not kill, but I'd, you know, cause some slight pain. Like a papercut or something. They say that's the worse pain of all, but I don't really buy that. What was I talking about? Oh right, not eating meat. For the first 7 days I did fruit and vegetables only. Nothing else. That didn't really work out for me. I mean how many times can you eat carrots? Several, as it turns out. So, I've added other things. Pasta mostly, which is what I have for my dinner break at work every day. Just a little over a week left, and I'm having a cheeseburger, baby!


  1. Wow, Mater, I am so proud of you!! I am totally rooting for you to accomplish all of the goals on your list. This is a site I like to get vegetarian recipes from: It has tons and tons of delicious stuff.

  2. GO AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud of you for acomplishing this one...I'm having to start over on most of mine...I'm still trying though.
