Friday, May 20, 2011

So far it looks like the highlight of my work day is going to be figuring out how to link all my passwords on the computer so I don't have to log in repeatedly. Which doesn't sound like a big deal, but I have to type in the password several times a day on several different screens. It's really a lot more convenient.

Still, as highlights go, it's a little sad, I guess.

In other way more exciting news, one week from today I'll be on my way to Florida! We are getting a headstart on Friday night and then heading to Pensacola to pick up Aunt Kathy and Courtney. And then on to the beach! Whoo-hoo!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Trying a new app on my phone to make blogging easier. (like it was so difficult before) So far, I'm liking it. It hasn't lost my in-progress posts, like the other [free] app I was using. This one was $1. And it's worth it.

I just registered for the PRAXIS exams that are required for the graduate program I'm trying to get in to. There are two parts and the total cost was about $255. Insane! I mean it's not just me, right? They can pretty much charge whatever they want, because they're the only company that administers the tests and the tests are required by every graduate program. That's some racket they've got going on there.

But it's required so I'll pay what they ask. The tests are one of my last steps required to get into the education Masters program at Tech.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Y'all. I had this whole post all typed up and the new app on my phone lost the whole thing. Booooo.

So. To start over [you can't see it but I'm giving my phone a dirty look]

It's been quite a while since I updated. I was really bust with all my classes, especially there at the end. Taking a full load of classes while working full time might not have been my best idea, but it worked! I got all A's for the semester and the 4.0 GPA brought up my overall GPA enough that I can get into the graduate program and get financial aid with no trouble. So. Woot! Now I don't have to take classes this summer. They were going to be some random classes, too -I mean, Medical Terminology? But it was available online during the early session. Of course, now I don't have to worry about it. Now I have to worry about the 3 exams I have to take to get into graduate program. There's the PRAXIS - which is a test I have to take on the Subject I want to teach. And of course Social Studies has 2 parts. It's the only one with 2 tests. Of course. I'm not too worried about that. After all, it's a test on a subject I'm interested in. The one that worries me is the GRE. And it worries me quite a bit. Seriously. It has math questions! Analytic geometry! That's just unnecessary.