Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So, I got all dressed up today. Sort of. Not really. I just wore something other than jeans and used the InStyler on my hair. People were really impressed and it took like 5 extra minutes. Maybe I should think about doing that more often. Not the jeans part. I love my jeans. And khakis. And any pants that aren't the ones I wore today.

I found out today that my old team (the one I was switched off of back in January) is losing their manager. He's moving to a different department. So they're either getting a new manager or being split up onto other teams. I would have moved teams anyway, and I might not have gotten my current manager, who is really great. It's so nice when things work out well. (for me, I mean. I can't say the same for my former teammates)

There is one manager that no one in the entire center wants to be on her team. I feel kind of bad. My one goal in life is to never ever be that person. You know, the one that everyone makes that "sucks to be you"  face when they hear you have to work with her.

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