Friday, February 11, 2011

So. I have officially caught the Bieber Fever. I saw the movie tonight. And now I'm totally sold. I want a t-shirt. Possibly a poster. Definitely some purple shoes.
I admit I wasn't really a fan before the movie. I liked him, but didn't get the big deal. I was mostly going because Rhiannon wanted to go, and I like to encourage dorky tendencies in my friends. Also, I was just so curious about what goes on in a Bieber movie. Curiosity gets me into some strange places. Like Old Navy at midnight on Black Friday. (come to think of it, that was with Rhiannon too)

It wasn't even the music that I liked (but it is really catchy); what I really liked was that the movie wasn't all about how awesome he was. But it was about how hard he worked and how he never said never gave up faith that he could do it. And his family was really supportive of everything. I liked that he has this huge platform and he's using to tell his fans that if they too work hard and believe, they can make their dreams come true. There was a theatre in his hometown that he would sing in front of before he got famous. It was just him and an acoustic guitar. When he went back after he was famous he passed a young girl playing her violin in the same spot, and took the time to go tell her about how he used to play in that exact same spot. And that if she never gave up she could make it too. I think there's something admirable about that.

I also like that his lyrics are all about treating girls with respect. In a world where most celebrities are encouraging self destructive behavior, it's a welcome change. It's also a nice change to hear a male singer tell a girl that he wants to treat her right, instead of what he wants to do to her body. And it's kind of a shame that it's a 16 year old and not a grown man.

So. There you go. That's my story of how I became a fan of Justin Bieber.


  1. i was gonna post a comment asking "what's the big fippin deal with beiber?!" but then i remembered that you just spent the last 3 paragraphs telling me and figured that would make me look like i didn't actually read them (which i totally did, obviously)

  2. on that note i am seriously looking forward to some psych and red meat!!

  3. I love that little Bieber nugget. Thanks for going with me!

  4. Aren't you a little old to be having a crush on a teen?
