Monday, February 14, 2011

Ugh. Mondays. Ugh. Valentine's Day. Ugh. Sap.
Plus side: four separate people gave me candy. Sometimes it's worth having to listen to the crazy things my coworkers say all day.

Why yes that is a Fun Dip.
I need to start blogging during the day. Because I always come up with fun and witty things to say, but I forget them by the time I get home. I think I'm being spoiled by my iPhone (alright, I know I am) because I'm always incredibly put out if there's no app for what I want to do. I want a Blogger app. But there isn't one. I don't know why I feel like an app would be easier than just updating by text or email.

Okay. Last thought of the day: Life needs more random synchronized dancing. Why does Ferris Bueller get away with it and we don't? Discuss. (Don't really discuss Ferris Bueller. I know he's a fictional character)


  1. My thoughts...random synchronized dancing requires someone who knows how to dance (no dancing skills = random synchronized dancing problems). I'm willing to learn though. OR!!!! I'm definitely willing to enjoy watching others participate in random synchronized dancing and I'll even throw in the head bob so as to participate myself - BRILLIANT!

  2. There is no synchronized dancing because no one has time to rehearse for life we're too busy getting the crap pummeled out of us.

    Not that I'm a pessimist or anything....
