Thursday, February 03, 2011

Weekly Check-In! Today makes 3 weeks on Weight Watchers. I stayed the same this week. Which is okay, but just means that now that I have the food part down, I should probably add some physical activity. I don't even climb the stairs anymore since I was moved downstairs. I had a bit of a scare earlier as I was weighing. I thought I'd gained 3 points until I realized I was still wearing my jeans, instead of my pajamas like I normally do. I nearly cried! Fighting off all those munchies and cravings just to gain 3 pounds! But it was okay, because it was just the jeans.
I think tomorrow I'm going to buy a mini-trampoline to excercise. I've really enjoyed it in the past.

In other news: It is seriously cold. Everywhere. A woman in Miami told me they were experiencing a cold snap too. It had gotten down to 63 degrees. The horror. The schools are all out for a snow day tomorrow, but my office never closes. There was a pipe burst last week and they still didn't close. Luckily I'm off tomorrow anyway so I can finally stay in my warm bed instead of making myself get up. Though it'll be just my luck that the office declares a snowday on my day off.
The good news is thanks to the cold I have completed an item on The List: 85. Find a hat that you can wear without feeling like an idiot.
I thought I had found one before, and technically I did. I have a slouchy beret kind of thing that I can wear without feeling stupid, but my new hat I really like. It also stays on my head and I don't have to fight with it all the time. Maybe I'll have a picture of it to post tomorrow.

Here's a picture for tonight.

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