Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Finally got to see The King's Speech. Now I understand all the Oscar buzz. I loved it. I was really impressed with Colin Firth. But we all know that I am generally impressed with Colin Firth. But this time it is completely unbiased. Turns out it is possible to make Colin Firth more adorable - just add a stutter. And Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush were great as well. I like that Helena Bonham Carter brings a little quirkiness to every role. And Winston Churchill! Love him, and how great the portrayal was of him in this movie. I also really like the incorporation of actual newsreel footage. I hope I haven't given anything away here. I'm pretty sure I didn't reveal anything.

Watching this film really made want to go read up on the history of the current royal family. I'm fairly sure that Helen Bonham Carter's character is who they called the Queen Mother. I think she died only a few years ago. It's always interesting to me to realize how it wasn't that long ago that it all happened. I read about World War II and it seems so long ago, but it really was only a few years ago. I always forget that.

Also of note this evening: I managed to fall up the stairs. Up. The Stairs. Because I'm talented. I was going up to my seat and my foot didn't quite clear the edge of the stair. And down I went. There's now a lovely purple bruise on my knee, and it's doing this slightly worrying swelling thing. I've got ice on it now, so hopefully that will help. I was most unhappy about the fact that the popcorn literally went flying and I spilled most of it. I even found some in my purse as we were leaving. So Mama and I were left with half a bag between us. It turned out to be plenty, but it's the principle of the thing! Gravity, pick on me if you must, just leave popcorn out of it.

I also sat at my new desk today. It was - let's call it interesting. I just need to get used to new people. I spent 2 years seeing the same people over and over again. I got used to all their quirks - at least to the point that I could usually either ignore them or mock them (lovingly, of course) on the internet. But now I just need to get used to a whole new group of people. Luckily my direct neighbors seem willing to just sit quietly and not share their life story with me. I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

And now in honor of The King's Speech and Winston Churchill, who was a small but memorable part in the movie, I leave you with a quote from Churchill himself:
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiam.


  1. Just wanted you to know I thought about the back and forth text's last night and burst into laughter...again...at work. Ahhh...good stuff. I was just picturing it; sort of like when we were playing phase 10 and the chair broke but in a different direction and add popcorn. I'm glad I'm not the only clumsy one in the family...

  2. Hehehe thinking of the phase 10 chair collapse incident
