Monday, January 31, 2011

This officially makes one month of blogging every day. So that's one month of NaBloPoMo down. Five more to go.
Today was pretty good (for a Monday). Work went by quickly and I only heard a few slightly weird things from my coworkers. The team spent most of today talking about the size of braids they preferred to wear. There are some really, really (really) strange names for braids. I don't even want to talk about it. And the girl who sits in front of me spent 5 minutes explaining in vivid detail a rash to what I can only hope was a medical professional on the other end. My skin itched for the rest of the day just thinking about it. And yes, this is the kind of stuff that passes for slightly weird with my new team.

The rest of the evening was really kind of awesome. I had Starbucks and watched Antiques Roadshow. I love that show. It's so fun to watch people's faces. And I really enjoy hearing about the history behind each object. I tried to watch another antiques related show - American Pickers. Its about 2 guys that travel the country and buy antiques from people and then take it back to their shop where they sell. Sounds interesting enough. Until I realized that they'd talk people down and then go back and sell it for 3 or 4 times the price. I know it's just business but it seems pretty shady to me. If you're going to sell a bike for $5000, you can give the guy who found it more than $1000. This probably shows why I could never run a business. I prefer Antiques Roadshow where they give you an honest assessment, and don't downplay what it's worth just to buy it from you and turn around and sell it for 400% profit.
It's admittedly a pretty naïve outlook, but I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I don't like it when people take advantage of's just not nice.
