Sunday, January 09, 2011

Y'all. I'm so tired. Always, always tired. I think I need vitamins. Or possibly a coffee fairy. Is it weird that in my head the next logical step after vitamins is a fairy that provides coffee on demand? Seems about right to me.

I'm both hoping for a snow day and trying not to get my hopes up, all at same time. Once again, I think that logic only works in my head.

Okay, I have no more thoughts. Time to sleep.

Look, I'm posting daily, they can't all be winners.


  1. You are always tired. 2 thoughts. Have a doctor check your thyroid. And, I notice you posted this at 1am. Just thinking out loud here, but try going to bed at it's amazing what sleep can do for you...smirk....mischevous grin....go'll love it!

  2. do you stay up until 1am? I'm fighting sleep around 9 unless of course it's game night or scrapbooking night; then I start fighting sleep around 9 but still stay up until 12. Hehehe...
