Friday, January 07, 2011

Okay. I don't want to alarm anyone, but I think my life turned into a musical when I wasn't looking. People keep bursting into song around me. Like, everywhere. There are people are work that sing at random intervals throughout the day. Usually, it's songs but today one girl kept repeating what peole said in song. (yes, it was just about as annoying as it sounds. No, wait. It was even more annoying than it sounds.) But people sing at work all the time, so while it's confusing it wasn't usual. But then! At the store there was someone singing loudly as they walked down the aisle. And then a few minutes later, I walked past a woman who started singing under her breath.
But wait! There's more. And these I have a witness to. While eating at Cracker Barrell the man at the table behind me started singing along to a Garth Brooks song (which made me sing along, because c'mon, it's Friends in Low Places. It's like a biological imperative to sing along to that song) AND THEN a waitress walked by about 10 minutes later singing along to another song.
Remember that part in Enchanted when every starts singing and McDreamy is totally confused. That's me. Only there's no dancing (so far) and no one has actually been able to carry a tune like the crowd in Enchanted.
So all in all it's been a very surreal day. So if you happen to see me and feel the need to burst into song, feel free. Chances are you won't be the first.

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