Saturday, January 01, 2011

Okay! First post of 2011! I seem to just update this thing every 6 months. But now because of The List, I'll be posting every day for 6 months. Number 19 is participate in National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo) for 6 months. And since I've only got 10 months left before the deadline of The List, that means I'll have to shoot for 6 months in a row. The official site says that NaBloPoMo is "Essentially, it's a group of people who have committed to updating their blogs once a day for an entire month." So. There you have it. Six months of daily updates. Probably won't be too interesting, but it'll be done.

I guess I should update on The List. I was able to get a lot of things done but not as many as I'd have liked. I'm pretty much resigned to not doing everything on The List, but that'll give me something to put on the next version. Somethings I've just given up on. Actually, just one thing is definitely not going to get down - #18 which was participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). That just wasn't going to happen. 50,000 words in 30 days? Of fiction? Seriously? I think not. This blog posting thing is much more my style. At least, I hope it is.

Okay. I'm all blogged out for the night. And even though it's technically after midnight I'm counting this as January 1st. One done, 179 to go.

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